0330 133 9866   info@grosvenor.solutions

our aims and beliefs

Our primary aim is to democratise “best-performing large company” accounting, business and IT consultancy and project delivery skills to the individuals, entrepreneurs, growth companies and the SME sector.

At the core of our beliefs is that businesses of all sizes will be impacted by the ongoing rapid technological advancements, changing demands from “digital-savvy” consumers and the necessity for technology-enabled processes to meet consumer needs and gain competitive advantages.  The beliefs apply to us and our clients.

In the blink of an eye, the world around us is being reshaped by rapid improvements in technology ranging from Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics and huge increases in computing power. We’re at the forefront of a technological revolution, a revolution that is transforming entire markets, the way in which business operate, and the expectations of customers

Technology is more than a tool. It’s a catalyst that transforms services, enhances service experience and client satisfaction.  It can automate routine tasks, enhance accuracy, provide real-time insights and ultimately enable us and our clients offer superior services.

The business landscape is changing at an unprecedented pace driven by rapid changes in technology. The change is inevitable and has commenced.  Businesses that recognise this shift and adapt to reflect the needs of their markets will the the ones that survive and thrive in the new era.  

Adopting technology is a necessity, not just an opportunity or choice. Organisations that fail to embrace technology risk being obsolete in an ever-increasing digital and interconnected world as they are unable to meet the needs of the digital consumer and face competition from competitors who are more attuned to the digital era 

We believe our clients can leverage technology to gain competitive advantages.  We’re committed to leveraging technology, driving innovation and leading our clients into the future.  We also believe in the power of technology to provide superior services to our clients.  We will partner with our clients in embracing and taking advantage of technology.

our founder

Ola Fashipe

FCCA, MBA, B.Sc, Prince 2

Ola, the founder of Grosvenor.Solutions, is a chartered accountant with over 25 years of experience of working in finance roles and addressing the business strategy, finance process and IT challenges for very large and smaller enterprises. Ola has vast experience of working for the top-tier management consultancies, large and multi national organisations such as IBM, KPMG, BP, GE, Shell, Chevron Texaco, Deliveroo and many others.  

Passionate about all things accounting, Ola firmly believes in the power of technology to optimise finance processes. He recognises the transformative potential of technology to provide clients a superior service and/or provide them with a competitive edge.  This is particularly relevant in today’s technology-driven, rapidly changing business environment.

Ola’s vision for Grosvenor.Solutions is clear. He aims to harness his extensive experience, his network of qualified professionals  and passion for technology to provide top-notch book-keeping, accounting, and consulting services. With Ola at the helm, Grosvenor.Solutions is poised to deliver exceptional results for its clients.