0330 133 9866   info@grosvenor.solutions

our accounting and book-keeping services

In today’s fast-paced business environment, using the latest IT technologies is a necessity.  The right mix and use of technology can unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth, whilst also allowing you to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. To have a competitive edge, it is important you choose an accountant that can also provide value-adding business and IT consultancy skills   

We offer a first-class service across the UK to help our clients thrive

Bookkeeping is the process of recording and organizing financial transactions of a business or organization in a systematic manner. 

This involves maintaining accurate records of all financial activities, such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments, categorizing them into different accounts and summarising the transactions to cover specific periods such as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Bookkeeping  is an essential part of any business.  It provides the foundation upon which an accurate and up-to-date picture of the financial health of the organization can be ascertained and forms the source of data for management accounts.  

In todays’ fast changing business environment there is an increasing need to have up to the minute information.  Keeping track of your business’s financial performance  and making informed business decisions are vital to success.  This is where Management accounts and reporting comes in!

Management accounts are financial reports that provide information to decision-makers within a business. They contain information about the performance of the company in terms of revenue, expenses, profits, and cash flow. 

We will provide you with relevant management account reports that take your business context into consideration to enable you make sound financial decisions and keep track of your money.

Are you looking for a reliable and professional accounting service to prepare your company accounts? If so, you have come to the right place. We are a team of qualified accountants with years of experience in preparing accurate and compliant financial statements for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

We understand that preparing company accounts can be a daunting and time-consuming task, especially if you are not familiar with the accounting standards and regulations. That’s why we offer a comprehensive and hassle-free service that takes care of everything for you. We will collect and process your financial data, prepare your income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and notes to the accounts, and file them with the relevant authorities on your behalf.

We also leverage the latest technology to make our service more efficient and cost-effective. We use cloud-based accounting software that allows us to access your data securely and remotely, and automate many of the accounting processes. We also use advanced tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse your data and provide you with valuable insights and recommendations to improve your business performance.

If you are interested in our accounting service, please contact us today for a free consultation and a quote. We would love to hear from you and help you with your company accounts.

Tax season is around the corner, and you need a reliable and professional accounting service to handle your corporate and income tax returns. Whether you are a sole proprietor, a partnership, or a corporation, you can trust us to prepare and file your tax returns accurately and on time.

We are a team of qualified accountants with extensive knowledge and experience in tax laws and regulations. We will work with you to understand your business situation, identify your tax obligations, and optimize your tax savings. We will also ensure that your tax returns comply with the latest standards and requirements of the relevant authorities.

We also leverage the latest technology to make our service more efficient and convenient. We use cloud-based accounting software that allows us to access your financial data securely and remotely, and automate many of the tax calculations. We also use advanced tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse your data and provide you with valuable insights and recommendations to improve your tax planning and strategy.

If you are interested in our accounting service, please contact us today for a free consultation and a quote. We would love to hear from you and help you with your corporate and income tax returns.

If you are a business that sells goods or services in the UK, you may need to register for and pay VAT (value added tax) to the HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs). VAT can be a complex and confusing tax, and if you do not comply with the rules and deadlines, you may face penalties and fines. That’s why you need a reliable and professional accounting service to handle your VAT returns.

We are a team of qualified accountants with extensive knowledge and experience in VAT laws and regulations. We will work with you to understand your business situation, identify your VAT obligations, and optimize your VAT savings. We will also ensure that your VAT returns comply with the latest standards and requirements of the HMRC.

We also leverage the latest technology to make our service more efficient and convenient. We use cloud-based accounting software that allows us to access your financial data securely and remotely, and automate many of the VAT calculations. We also use advanced tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse your data and provide you with valuable insights and recommendations to improve your VAT planning and strategy.

If you are interested in our accounting service, please contact us today for a free consultation and a quote. We would love to hear from you and help you with your VAT returns.

Your path to financial confidence.  Unlock piece of mind

Completing your self-assessment isn’t just a legal requirement; it’s your gateway to financial peace of mind. Whether you’re a sole trader, freelancer, or small business owner, accurate self-assessment ensures you’re on the right track. It’s about more than ticking boxes—it’s about understanding your financial health, reducing our tax bill and making informed decisions.

Missing the self-assessment deadline can lead to hefty penalties. The stress of last-minute scrambling, lost receipts, and incomplete forms can take a toll on your well-being. But fear not! Our team of seasoned accountants is here to guide you through the process seamlessly.

At Grosvenor.Solutions, we take self-assessment seriously. Our qualified accountants have years of experience navigating the intricacies of tax regulations. They’re not just number-crunchers; they’re your financial allies. We’ll ensure every deduction is maximized, every allowance claimed, and every detail accurate.

No two clients are alike. That’s why we customize our services to fit your unique situation. Whether you’re a freelancer juggling multiple income streams or a small business owner with complex financials, we’ve got you covered. Our personalized approach ensures you receive the attention you deserve.

Your self-assessment isn’t just a form—it’s a reflection of your financial story. Our meticulous accountants review every line, cross every ‘t,’ and dot every ‘i.’ We’re committed to delivering a high-quality end product that stands up to scrutiny.

We’re not just about numbers; we’re about people. Our friendly team is here to answer your questions, ease your concerns, and provide timely support. We believe in building lasting relationships with our clients, and exceptional customer service is at the heart of what we do.

Don’t let self-assessment stress keep you up at night. Contact Grosvenor.Solutions today, and let’s embark on a journey toward financial clarity. With us by your side, completing your self-assessment becomes a breeze.

Just like your physical health, your business’s financial well-being requires regular check-ups. Our expert accountants specialize in comprehensive business health reviews. We delve into the numbers, analyze trends, and identify strengths you can build upon for further success and potential financial risks.

Early detection of financial risks is key to preventing financial ailments.  Business failure often hides behind seemingly healthy exteriors. Overtrading, cash flow gaps, and unseen financial risks can silently erode your success. Our reviews uncover these hidden dangers, and provide you with remedial strategies that allow you to take proactive steps.

As part of the review we cover tax efficiency matters.  Taxes can be complex and ever-changing. Our tax reviews ensure you’re not leaving money on the table. We explore deductions, credits, and strategies to minimize your tax liability. Our goal? To optimize your tax position while keeping you compliant.

At Grosvenor.Solutions, we take financial health-check  reviews seriously. Our seasoned accountants are more than number-crunchers; they’re your financial allies. With their expertise, we ensure your business stays on track.

No two businesses are alike. We tailor our reviews to your unique needs. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, we’ve got you covered. Our personalized approach ensures you receive the attention you deserve.

We’re not just about numbers; we’re about people. Our friendly team is here to answer your questions, ease your concerns, and provide timely support. We believe in building lasting relationships with our clients.

Don’t wait for signs of trouble—act now! Contact Grosvenor.Solutions for expert business health and tax reviews. Let’s secure your financial future together.

Our streamlined payroll services ensure we get payroll right.

Financial accuracy is at the core of our payroll services.  We recognise that payroll isn’t just about paying employees—it’s the heartbeat of your business. Accurate payroll ensures timely payments, tax compliance, and employee satisfaction. Mistakes can lead to penalties, disgruntled staff, and operational disruptions.

Navigating Complexity

Payroll involves intricate calculations, tax codes, and legal nuances. As your business grows, so does the complexity. Our payroll experts handle it all—deductions, benefits, overtime, and more. We keep you compliant and stress-free.

Specialist Knowledge Makes a Difference

Why leave payroll to chance? Our qualified accountants specialize in payroll intricacies. From PAYE to pension contributions, we’ve got you covered. Outsourcing to experts ensures precision and peace of mind.

Why Choose Our Payroll Services?

Qualified Accountants at Your Service.At Grosvenor.Solutions, we take payroll seriously. Our seasoned accountants understand the nuances. We’re not just number-crunchers; we’re your financial allies. We ensure every payslip aligns with legal requirements.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We leverage advanced payroll software to streamline processes. Say goodbye to manual spreadsheets and hello to efficiency. Our tech ensures accuracy, timeliness, and seamless reporting.

Regulatory Compliance

HMRC rules change—don’t get caught off guard. Our team stays updated, ensuring your payroll meets all legal obligations. Avoid fines and focus on what matters: growing your business.

Customer-Centric Approach

We’re not a faceless service provider. Our friendly team is here to answer your queries, resolve issues, and provide personalized support. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Ready for Hassle-Free Payroll?

Don’t let payroll complexities bog you down. Contact Grosvenor.Solutions today. We’re more than accountants—we’re your payroll partners.

In today’s dynamic business environment, adaptability is key. Business and IT strategy reviews are your compass—they ensure you stay on course amidst shifting tides. Here’s why they matter:

  1. Strategic Agility: Markets evolve, technologies emerge, and customer expectations shift. Regular reviews allow you to adjust your sails swiftly. Our qualified accountants and IT experts keep your strategy aligned with the winds of change.
  2. Market Advantages: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often compete with giants. A well-crafted strategy gives you an edge. It’s not just about survival; it’s about thriving. Our experience—from multinational corporations to global consultancies—equips us to guide your ship toward success.
  3. Holistic Alignment: Business and IT strategies are intertwined. They impact each other profoundly. Our approach integrates financial acumen with technological foresight. We ensure your ship sails smoothly, leveraging IT as a strategic enabler.


Why Choose Our Services?

We are qualified accountants and IT experts.  At Grosvenor.Solutions, we blend financial expertise with IT acumen. Our seasoned professionals have steered complex transformations. From optimizing tax structures to implementing cutting-edge systems, we’ve got you covered.

Strategic Insights

We don’t just crunch numbers; we decode trends. Our strategy reviews unveil hidden opportunities. Whether it’s a pivot, a new market segment, or a digital leap, we guide you toward growth.

Risk Mitigation

Ignoring strategy risks capsizes ships. We assess vulnerabilities—both financial and technological. Overreliance on legacy systems? Vulnerable cybersecurity? We chart a safer course.

Digital Landscape Awareness

The digital sea surges—AI, blockchain, cloud, and more. SMEs must ride these waves. Our reviews ensure you’re aligned with tech currents. Don’t drift; surf the digital revolution.

Ready to Set Sail?

Contact Grosvenor.Solutions for strategic clarity. Let’s navigate together toward prosperity in uncharted waters.


Everything required for a fixed monthly Fee

  • Your personal dedicated accountant
  • Unlimited support for queries and advice
  • Face-to-face interactions, and real-time collaboration through use of videoconferencing solutions (eg zoom, Teams etc).  
  • Provision of intuitive accounting software for your business
  • All returns and filings included
  • Timely reminders to ensure your filings are done on time
  • Proactive client engagements to ensure regular contacts and updates
  • We’re open 6 days a week as we understand that individuals, growth businesses and SME’s often work beyond the confines of the traditional 5-day workweek

Everything required for a fixed monthly fee

Who we Help

  • Your dedicated accountant
  • Unlimited support 
  • Face-to-face interactions

For real-time collaboration through use of videoconferencing solutions (eg zoom, Teams etc).  

  • Accounting software included
  • All returns and filings included
  • Timely reminders to meet filing deadlines
  • Proactive client engagements 
  • We’re open 6 days a week

we understand that individuals, growth businesses and SME’s often work beyond the confines of the traditional 5-day workweek

contractors & freelancers

If you are operating a limited company we provide advise on strategies to minimise your overall tax bill in addition to provide fixed price accounting and tax services


We offer a full range of book-keeping, accounting and consultancy services. We go beyond the numbers to provide you with the insights and change strategies required to achieve your objectives

medium-sized enterprises

We can help you find innovative ways to reduce costs, boost productivity and increase overall efficiency and effectiveness. We also provide bespoke or outsourced accounting services


We offer superior accountancy services at fixed prices, delivered by chartered accountants, powered by advanced processes and technologies

entrepreneurs & Start-ups

We are your one-stop shop for starting and growing your enterprise. We go beyond the numbers to offer superior business and IT services

small-sized enterprises

Apart from our accountancy services, we can help review and reduce costs, devise and implement strategies for revenue increases to achieve your financial objectives

Our Prices

We offer fixed price packages as most business benefit from ongoing accountancy support.  This ensures you have no surprise bills whilst having the confidence your accounting needs are being met.  Do contact us for more information including our fixed prices for freelancers and start-ups.

Tier-One Plan

Suitable for businesses with typically up to 3 employees
From £300 per month
  • Book-keeping Service
  • Company accounts preparation with tax calculation
  • VAT returns and filings
  • Payroll Service
  • Data Analytics and Management Reporting
  • Reminder service for all deadlines and payments
  • Purchase Invoice Processing
  • Sales Invoice Processing
  • Bank Transactions Processing
  • Payroll Journals
  • Creditor Reconciliations
  • Debtor Reconciliations
  • PAYE Reconciliations
  • Fixed Asset Register Maintenance
  • Accountancy Software
  • Fast, Personal Service, Unlimited Support
  • Companies House Annual Return (if Ltd)
  • Partnership return (if partnership)

Tier-Two Plan

Suitable for businesses with typically up to 10 employees
From £550 per month
  • Book-keeping Service
  • Company accounts preparation with tax calculation
  • VAT returns and filings
  • Payroll Service
  • Data Analytics and Management Reporting
  • Reminder service for all deadlines and payments
  • Purchase Invoice Processing
  • Sales Invoice Processing
  • Bank Transactions Processing
  • Payroll Journals
  • Creditor Reconciliations
  • Debtor Reconciliations
  • PAYE Reconciliations
  • Fixed Asset Register Maintenance
  • Accountancy Software
  • Fast, Personal Service, Unlimited Support
  • Companies House Annual Return (if Ltd)
  • Partnership return (if partnership)

Tier-Three Plan

Suitable for businesses with typically over 10 employees
From £800 per month
  • Book-keeping Service
  • Company accounts preparation with tax calculation
  • VAT returns and filings
  • Payroll Service
  • Data Analytics and Management Reporting
  • Reminder service for all deadlines and payments
  • Purchase Invoice Processing
  • Sales Invoice Processing
  • Bank Transactions Processing
  • Payroll Journals
  • Creditor Reconciliations
  • Debtor Reconciliations
  • PAYE Reconciliations
  • Fixed Asset Register Maintenance
  • Accountancy Software
  • Fast, Personal Service, Unlimited Support
  • Companies House Annual Return (if Ltd)
  • Partnership return (if partnership)

Want to find out More about our services and prices?

Please get in touch directly for more information on how PerialServices can support your needs.  We are more than happy to help